Suckling: 98/100
Parker:"The 2020 Felsenberg GG is deep, intense and complex on the pure and elegant, well-defined and slightly flinty nose. Pure, intense and juicy on the palate, this is a crystalline, refined and salty Felsenberg with great terroir expression and length, even though the wine is still puristic or even ascetic in the finish. Not as charmingly fruity as Crusius’s interpretation but with the same length and tension. 13% alcohol. Tasted at the domain in July 2021 and again six weeks later in Wiesbaden during the GG tastings."
Lieferzeit: 1-4 Tage, Ausland abweichend
Inhalt in Liter: 0,75
Allergene: enthält Sulfite
Alkoholgehalt in Vol.%: 13
Ursprungsland: Deutschland
Region: Pfalz
Lage: Nahe, Felsenberg "Felsentürmchen"
Verschluss: Naturkork
Weingut Dönnhoff, Bahnhofstr. 11, 55585 Oberhausen an der Nahe, Deutschland