Weinwisser: 18,5+/20
"What amazing harmony this Nahe Riesling GG has in spite of the vibrancy of its very racy acidity. Amazing spice and smoke in the nose with notes of pomelo and grapefruit on the concentrated and impeccably proportioned palate. Some grapefruit pith bitterness at the finish, but this just adds to the excitement that the slatey minerality generates and beams out to the whole galaxy. Drinkable now, but best from 2024."
Weinart: Weißwein
Rebsorten: Riesling
Lieferzeit: 1-4 Tage, Ausland abweichend
Inhalt in Liter: 0,75
Allergene: enthält Sulfite
Alkoholgehalt in Vol.%: 12,5
Ursprungsland: Deutschland
Region: Nahe
Lage: Bockenau Felseneck
Verschluss: Naturkork
Weingut Schäfer-Fröhlich, Schulstraße 6, 55595 Bockenau, Deutschland