
Dönnhoff - Norheimer Dellchen GG 2023

Preis inkl. MwSt. (19%) 9,90€
zzgl.  Versand
Marke: Hermann Dönnhoff
Preis pro Liter: 82,67

Suckling: 100/100

Suckling:" This dry Riesling has a hypnotic beauty that leaves no doubt how this wine redefines what peachy means in the context of this grape variety. As it aerates, a wealth of wild berry and flower nuances develop and expand. Given the mind-bending concentration of this wine, it is staggeringly fresh and absolutely precise. Then comes the finish, which is like a prima ballerina dancing on pointe off into the distance. "

Komplette Bewertung des 2023er Jahrgangs finden Sie hier

Weinart: Weißwein

Rebsorten: Riesling

Lieferzeit: 1-4 Tage, Ausland abweichend
Inhalt in Liter: 0,75

Trinkreife: 2026–2048
Allergene: enthält Sulfite
Alkoholgehalt in Vol.%: 12,5
Ursprungsland: Deutschland
Region: Pfalz
Lage: Nahe, Norheimer Dellchen
Verschluss: Kork

Inverkehrbringer: Weingut Dönnhoff, Bahnhofstr. 11, 55585 Oberhausen an der Nahe, Deutschland

Dönnhoff - Norheimer Dellchen GG 2023
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