
Wittmann - Westhofen Aulerde GG 2020

Preis inkl. MwSt. (19%) 6,23€
zzgl.  Versand
Marke: Weingut Wittmann
Preis pro Liter: 52,00
Gerstl: 20/20
Suckling: 95/100
Suckling:"Stunning nose of pineapple and mirabelle that’s still so youthful. Concentrated and energetic with great mineral vitality and salty intensity. From vines planted in 1949 and 1951. From organically grown grapes. Drinkable now, but best from 2023. Drink or hold."
Parker: 94/100
Parker:"Wittmann's 2020 Aulerde GG proves again that this deep vineyard can have grand cru level in certain vintages, namely the dry and sunny ones. This one opens deep, clear and elegant, with a dusty chalk/clay bouquet intertwined with fine and citric spiciness. Juicy, spicy and piquant on the palate, with fine phenolic grip and a firm and salty, long and elegant finish, this is a terrific, expressive Aulerde and another highlight from this Westhofen terroir after Wittmann's 2019. Tasted in Wiesbaden at the end of August 2021."

Weinart: Weißwein
Rebsorten: Riesling

Lieferzeit: 1-4 Tage, Ausland abweichend
Inhalt in Liter: 0,75
Allergene: enthält Sulfite
Alkoholgehalt in Vol.%: 12,5
Ursprungsland: Deutschland
Region: Rheinhessen
Lage: Westhofen Aulerde
Verschluss: Naturkork

Inverkehrbringer: Weingut Wittmann, Günter und Philipp Wittmann, Mainzer Strasse 19, 67593 Westhofen bei Worms, Deutschland

Wittmann - Westhofen Aulerde GG 2020
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