
Dönnhoff - Niederhäuser Hermannshöhle R *SCHATZKAMMERWEIN* 2018

Preis inkl. MwSt. (19%) 7,74€
zzgl.  Versand
Marke: Hermann Dönnhoff
Preis pro Liter: 64,67
Suckling: 98/100
Suckling:" What is more extraordinary about this great dry Riesling, the fact that it’s so youthful at six years of age, or the incredible aromatic complexity? With each swirl of the glass it grows and changes, at first pear and quince dominating, then peach and pineapple, followed by mandarin orange. Very concentrated, but with underplayed power on the creamy, medium-bodied palate. Moderate acidity in this context, but such an elegant finish. The first vintage of this limited-production wine, which was fermented and matured on the lees for three years in large, neutral oak casks. "

Komplette Bewertung des 2023er Jahrgangs finden Sie hier

Weinart: Weißwein

Rebsorten: Riesling

Lieferzeit: 1-4 Tage, Ausland abweichend
Inhalt in Liter: 0,75

Trinkreife: jetzt–2050
Allergene: enthält Sulfite
Alkoholgehalt in Vol.%: 12
Ursprungsland: Deutschland
Region: Pfalz
Lage: Nahe, Niederhäuser Hermannshöhle
Verschluss: Kork

Inverkehrbringer: Weingut Dönnhoff, Bahnhofstr. 11, 55585 Oberhausen an der Nahe, Deutschland

Dönnhoff - Niederhäuser Hermannshöhle R *SCHATZKAMMERWEIN* 2018
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